I’m the crazy fun one.
Pedal to the floor, balls to the wall, party all weekend guy.
The guy everybody calls for laughs and a good time.
And I always deliver.
So, when Ainsley Winslow and I made a pact for a summer fling, I was all in.
What hot-blooded college male doesn’t jump at the chance for a no strings attached relationship? Not this one.
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Then summer drew to a close, and I found myself wanting time to move slower. Ainsley Winslow is a girl of her word. When fall inevitably came, she vanished.
She no longer answered my calls, my texts or my knocks on her door. After the silence continued, I questioned what I was doing and who had I become. I am Braxton Brentwood…this isn’t me. Time to move on and get the party started again. And I did.
Until our paths crossed again, and I remembered what we had. She wasn’t getting away a second time because our game just went into Extra Innings.